• Personlig Træning - Fysisk

    Forløb med fysiske sessioner sammen med mig. Alle sessioner afholdes i privat atmosfære i mit center RASK - Randers Sportsklinik

  • Personlig Træning - Online

    Online Coaching der faktisk ER personlig. I forløbet har du både ugentlige check-ins, månedlige samtaler samt al den sparring du har brug for i hele perioden

Nikolaj Nyvang

  • Indehaver

  • Personlig Træner

“Min passion er, at få det potentiale frem i min klient, som de måske ikke engang selv kan se. Jeg vil gerne hjælpe min klient med at se en version af dem selv de KAN BLIVE, frem for konstant at prøve at tvinge sig selv til at acceptere det sted de er. Begge versioner er jo dem.”

Den træner jeg bestræber mig på at være:

  • En træner der sætter sig ind i dig og dine mål og hjælper dig med at se dit potentiale.

  • En træner som sammensætter et forløb som du er bedst tjent med, og ikke bare hvad der kan skabe et før/efter billede. Der skal også være fokus på hvordan dagligdagen er efter forløbet.

  • En træner der har tilstrækkelig viden samt erfaring, til at optimere dit hårde arbejde og sørge for at du får mest muligt ud af den tid og energi du bruger.

  • En træner der er seriøs og professionel omkring dig og dine mål men stadig har plads til et grin og nørderi

  • En træner der under en trænings session, behandler dig, som var du den eneste klient, møder dig hvor du er den dag og forsøger at sende dig videre med bedre humør og en lyst til mere!


Eksaminer / Kurser mm.


Personlig Træner (EHFA) - Fitness Institute

Giver et solidt teoretisk og praktisk fundament indenfor Anatomi, fysiologi, trænings programlægning og kost.

Poliquin PICP lvl 1 & 2

The Poliquin® International Certification Program (PICP™) is our flagship Strength Training Certification that includes our Performance Specialization and online Personal Training Certification.PICP courses are based on the concept of Structural Balance. Structural Balance is an evaluation system that looks at strength ratios between muscle groups to ensure optimal performance and injury prevention. As a coach, Structural Balance Assessments enable you to use the information to individualize the training program to achieve effective results. Each certification has it's own set of Structural Balance Assessments you will learn.

Helse og Sportsmassør - AT WORK

Her lærer man give sine kunder en professionel massage med fokus på wellness og velvære, eller en massage inden sportspræstation, samt restituerende massage efter fysisk/sports aktivitet.

MCGILL Level 3 - From Back Pain to Performance

This course is for advanced clinicians and performance specialists. Mechanisms and training techniques used with world class athletes will be introduced and discussed. The development of movement/motor patterns, endurance, speed, and power within the principles that minimize back injury, or exacerbation of existing injury are work-shopped. Quantifying the athletic demands together with the current capabilities of the individual, influence program design. Specific topics include building resilience, training capacity, and strength and speed techniques within pain-free progressions.

The Science and Principles of Advanced Hypertrophy

(Mike Israetel, Jared Feather, Steve Hall, Pascal Flor)

this seminar is not for those who wish to understand the basics of how to grow muscle. We can all agree that whilst super important, it is quite simple. The key is ensuring to keep those basic principles intact whilst implementing the more nuanced strategies to maximise muscle growth.

3DMJ London theoretical Conference

(3D Muscle Journey & Shredded by science)

Eric Helms - Implementing Flexible DietingJeff Alberts - Stress – The Impact on Contest PrepBrad Loomis - Dynamic training for contest prepAlberto Nunez - Strategic Nutrition for Bodybuilding ChampionsAndrea Valdez - The Psychology of Physique

Muscle Mechanics workshop with Eugene Teo

(Eugene Tro & Performance Gym PT)

In this 2-Day intensive workshop, you’ll be taken through the analytical and integrative approach Eugene uses to optimize performance, strength, hypertrophy and reduce pain. All of the tools, techniques – and most importantly – the framework for understanding the human body, movement and long term health.

Intensity is everything seminar

(Cliff Wilson & Revive stronger)

Cliff Wilson is one of the top bodybuilding coaches having taken his clients to earn over 110 pro cards, 75 professional titles, and 9 world championships. Doing so using a combination of scientifically proven methods and newer, experience-driven techniques. Cliff gave insight into his journey as an athlete, his methodologies as a coach and things you may have never considered